The intention of this blog post is to share the experiences I had during the 2024 Contact & Consciousness Zoom Seminar hosted by Lyssa Royal-Holt. [1]
I completely stand by these experiences and have immense gratitude for them.
Try to have some fun with this ;-)
The week of 09/02 was eventful and positive. There was a great deal of energetic relief at my job and to myself as well. I was in a good flow of completing tasks as well as spending time with the people I care about.
By Friday, 09/05, I was a bit more conscious that I was attending my first Lyssa Royal-Holt event. I became excited at this thought and the positive energy began to "snowball" from that point on. I didn't have any thoughts on what the event could or could not be. I just knew that I would show up. That's all I really needed to do.
When I entered the workshop on Saturday that's when the energetic party really started. I saw my fellow meditation classmates on the call and a fun number of participants. It was great to see new faces in relation to this type of community.
As Lyssa Royal-Holt walked us through how the event would proceed, I could feel the work of the Quantum Navigation and Taoist Yoga practices kicking in. [2][3] My Ego and Mind would say..."whoa! dude! this stuff is crazy town banana pants.", but it was incredibly easier to quiet those aspects of myself with the wisdom from these practices. This allowed me to immerse myself into the workshop. It would have been slightly more challenging to dive into this workshop without those spiritual prerequisites.
Before jumping into each of the contact experiences, I am going to provide my gratitude. Thank you Lyssa, Thank you Ron, Thank you Sasha and Thank you to the Seed Of Life Institute team. [4] This event absolutely brought me into a 'New Paradigm'.
Saturday - 09/07/2024
Malan Contact Experience
To start the day off I decided to take a drive to Kensico Dam with Joy (my dog). We did our normal routine of walking around the base of the dam and then headed up the steep stairs to enjoy the view of the water and surrounding area.
Once our walk was completed, we went back to the car and started to head home. I usually take the side streets on the way home to enjoy a longer drive. During any type of drive, I will allow myself to be guided by my intuition. I observe any physical sign (i.e. billboard, license plate, etc.) that my guides want me to see. As I drove south on Central Avenue, I turned to my left and saw a store named 'Vega Kitchen & Bath'. [5]
It was "emphasized" at that moment by my guides. Meaning, I knew that the observation was to be noted. For instance, I would be guided to that store on previous drives and then later in the evening pull one, maybe even two, Vega related Galactic Heritage cards. [6]
So you can probably guess my excitement when Lyssa mentioned that the first group of beings we would meet were originally from Vega. This was a fun start. However, the validating synchronicities didn't end there. Below is a consolidated list of key elements related to my contact experience:
Black Obsidian: I used to have a crystal and gem collection but I chose to release them. Out of all of the crystals that I owned, I would not release my large Black Obsidian orb. I remember telling my friend that I kept it because it was a great reminder that it's ok to be "in the black" and that's where we learn the most about ourselves.
Prayer Beads: In our Horse Stance class, I met a Tibetan Monk guide. During one of our last visits, he gave me a gift. This gift was a bracelet of wooden beads. He said that I can hold my right wrist at times of need. Sasha mentioned that these beings felt it was more appropriate to utilize the Sanskrit word "mala" to name their race. This word translates as "prayer beads". I instantly thought of this past horse stance session with gratitude. [7]
All of these synchroncities were an incredible foundation to the experience that was about to unfold including the Black Obsidian pyramid visual reference. I felt comfortable with this reference that Lyssa provided and had a sense of familiarity with it as well.
As the guided meditation began I was enveloped by energy of focus and adventure. I remember walking down the Black Obsidian lane towards the Malan’s pyramid clearly. I remember having no hesitation or worry about "how do I get into the pyramid?". When Sasha mentioned that we were to simply walk through the wall, I went head first.
Once I entered the pyramid I saw this balance of black, white and accents of gold within the design. There were a number of people there. All Malans. Some with hair, some without. I then saw a Black Obsidian round table and immediately appreciated the sense of equality that a round table brings to a team discussion or meeting.
As we went into the silent portion of the meditation, I was presented with what looked like an Obsidian recliner. I was looking at it but for some reason didn't take the invitation right away. Not out of fear, I think I was just impressed there was a large Black Obsidian recliner in front of me.
When that thought occurred, one of the Malans set up two more recliners on each side of the one provided to me. A gesture of, "we're in this experience with you". Pretty classy. I sat in my chair and then two Malans sat on each side of me. The Malan individual, male, that was on my left took me by my hand. As the silent portion of the meditation proceeded, the other Malan individual (also male) took my right hand.
The three of us didn't really speak. There were some questions I had, and they of course answered, but for the most part it was energetic. Much like Sasha said it would be. I could sense the other Malans in the room communicating to each other as they observed my experience. There was interest but it was not interfering with what each of the Malan's holding my hands were doing.
The silent portion of meditation ends. I'm heading back out. I realize I get to walk "through" the pyramid wall again. I walk to the outside but before leaving completely, I dip my head and shoulders back into the pyramid. I didn't want to resist that playful opportunity!
Quantum Navigation Session - Saturday Evening
I'm very grateful I was able to go to this. The energy was incredible from the Malan experience so this session helped integrate it more efficiently. During the session the Malan chatter and observation continued. There was this continued sense of interest that they had. I thought that was cool. They also assisted with the integration of the energy in partnership with our Sirian teacher, Hamon, while balancing his latest offering of wisdom. Lastly, this session assisted in the next day's contact experiences.
Sunday - 09/08/2024
Plejaren Contact Experience
ENERGY. I capitalize that world because that's how it felt right before this contact experience. It's like when your favorite band hits the stage and you're at the front row on the barricade inches away from them. It's a pure rush of fun energy. The adventure was underway.
As we were guided to the experience, I visualized myself in a blue light but maintained my physical 3D form. I figured that the light body is my vehicle and my 3D body is my human representation so that's how I wanted to appear to Semjase and Ala.
When I walked through the blue screen I met Semjase and Ala. Semjase was to my right and Ala on my left. The room was on a Plejaren ship. The room was smart because it had nothing. No pictures, no windows, no chairs, nothing that would distract my 3D mind. I liked that. It allowed me to focus on being with these two folks. The room itself had this interesting pink/blue hue happening. It was peaceful.
There was a flow to the experience. I entered the blue screen, I met our people, we sat down and then the meditation really began. During the beginning of the meditation I felt awkward. Although I couldn't discern Semjase's face, I had a sense of her body. Then the 3D attraction kicked in and I felt guilty. Here I am, on a ship, with a Queen and another being who took "time" out of their day to make contact and I'm being so 3D.
But Semjase instantly supported me. She said I was only being me and she in no way wanted me to think I should have shame or guilt for being myself. She explained further that this was natural (note: I teared up as I wrote this. whew.). Right after she completed her sentence, I surrendered the guilt and gave them both my trust.
I provided images of my dog, Joy, to them both. I also provided them images of my horse friends, specifically Duke. My thought was that if they allowed me into their house, the least I could do is provide them with experiences of my life to continue to open the unconditional love door between myself and them. Joy and Duke were well received.
Like the Malan experience. We chatted between the three of us and there were others observing our session. As we meditated Semjase and Ala took their hands and hovered them on each side of my body. They did a scan and cleansed my chakras. I didn't ask why they did this. Quite frankly, I didn't care because it cannot be bad so why question it. Once that was completed, I remember extending an invitation to them both to observe my creative projects and that they both are always welcome to my life. My thought is that it would help them get to know me more and perhaps provide them some form of new experience.
Lastly, I asked Ala if she'd be open to being a part of my journey in this life moving forward (note: tears AGAIN). She said that she would be which I replied "I am honored" and then we both laughed because we were gushing about being honored by each other.
Ionan Contact Experience
Earlier in the morning, I was working on simple tasks related to my creative project. I needed to make sure one of my domains was correctly redirecting to my main website. I went into my domain manager and opened the domain that ended in ".io". Also, during lunch I took Joy for a walk. As we walked, I passed a parked car that had a "Iona Dad" sticker on the back of it. Iona was my high school's rival when I was a teenager.
The reference visual shared prior to the meditation was spot on. I enjoyed it very much and it felt like an accurate representation of a real location. Prior to the meditation I also decided to look at images of Jupiter’s moon IO to gain a sense of where they are and how they would see Earth from their home's location. I think it helped.
I felt a general excitement during the spoken portion of the meditation. As we approached the silent portion of the meditation I felt aspects of it were organizing. Maybe it was on their end to ensure a productive and fun discussion. I think so. I met with the Ionan person I was paired up with for meditation. He was very relaxed but also couldn't hide his excitement. Which I thought was excellent considering he lives on a moon!
As I experienced in the other two contacts, I had questions. He had answers. It was like best friends who could maintain a level of discussion and interest for hours. There was good chit chat with no pressure. At one point I called him "Kal-El", as in Superman, because that's who he reminded me of. He said technically that I'm "Kal-El" and he's "Jor-El"...Superman's Kryptonian dad. Pretty clever and nerdy.
Our discussion continued and I said to him, "You left the nest of Earth and came back to this solar system later on. Now we are two nests of the same solaran tree.". I felt a great deal of gratitude with this statement. I then noticed that a female Ionan was now in the discussion. My statement interested her.
Naturally I was absolutely down to have anyone else join. From this point on there were a number of questions regarding how to approach and introduce an Earth-Human to Ionans. I explained keeping it simple would be best. That there shouldn't be a ton of stimuli for the person to respond to.
However, if it were me, I'd love to see two aspects of contact. First, is a room much like what Lyssa provided as visual reference prior to the contact experience. I sent them a mental visual of the room as seen in the show "Night Sky". [8].
Second, I would love a tour. I'd like to see their life, meet their people and learn about their experience. I further explained that I was pretty jazzed in this moment and realistically that I might be getting ahead of myself. Contact is no joke and it's not a movie. I feel more and more that the preparation to have physical contact takes great discipline and evolution. It's delicate work.
From here we reached the end of the meditation. Everyone was still pretty excited but we said our thank you’s and parted ways. It was a lot of fun to meet them and share ideas.
Week of 09/09
I felt great going to work on Monday. I was definitely in the energy still and could feel an overall sense of support. Typically, my days off are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Recently I have been utilizing these days to work on my creative project.
By Wednesday I was incredibly inspired to complete a big aspect of my creative project and start sending it out to people. Especially on this day, I felt that Semjase really had my back. I was being supported to move through my fear of doing this project so that I can then keep the creative flow moving.
As I recorded my first podcast episode, I was reminded of a video regarding a TV show that someone wanted to produce. The video they recorded was a trailer of sorts. I was sent this to remind me, "It doesn't have to be perfect. Your effort is what's recognized." Once I made peace with that, I recorded the episode and launched my new podcast/blog.
I'm convinced my new cosmic friends were with me on that day and throughout the week. They didn't have to be but they were (note: as I wrote this I felt my right ear rang). I'm grateful to Sasha, the Malans, the Plejarens and the Ionans. I felt transformed and excited about what the rest of my life will be.
Before I sign off - thank you Ron and Lyssa! We're lucky to have you both on this planet and I look forward to our future adventures.
Thanks for reading and have a great present moment!
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