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Meeting with the Plejarens

Writer: Matt M.Matt M.

Updated: Mar 8



Coming out of the 2024 Contact & Consciousness Zoom Seminar last September, I have revisited the Malans, Plejarens and Ionans by utilizing the recordings that were sent out to those who paid for the event. Each group provided a unique experience that was based in equality through unconditional love.

On the evening of 10/15/24, I decided to watch one of the recorded videos from the workshop. My intention was to visit the Ionans. However, as I was fast forwarding through the video, I stopped at a certain point. It was the part of the workshop where Lyssa was sharing the story of her friendship with Zaysan and his experience with the Plejarens. [1]

I decided to keep listening. I became excited as I kept listening. I felt the energy of the excitement and realized, I'm not meeting with the Ionans tonight...the Plejarens are on board for contact this evening. I settled in with this realization and just enjoyed listening to the adventure Lyssa was sharing.

As Lyssa's story came to a close, it was game time. I got into a comfortable position, Sasha was now being channeled through Lyssa and the deep breaths began. This time around I found it was easier to access the necessary frequency of love that is a prerequisite in making contact with the Plejarens.

I utilized visual thoughts and memories to bolster the energy of unconditional love within myself. This energy started to build.

The Contact Experience

Once I was at the blue doorway/portal, it was mentioned to me that Ala would not be attending. That Semjase would be leading this experience. I entered the blue doorway and saw Semjase to my right. Note: I use the word "saw" loosely. I knew her being-ness was there but I couldn't tell you what her face looked like.

The set up of the room was the same as my last experience a couple of weeks ago. It was a circle couch that was embedded into the ground with an above ground "pit" in the center. This pit had the same rocks within it. The rocks had a blue glow. It set the mood for the experience.

Semjase and I sat on the couch. When we did this, it reminded me of when I met with my friend who would take time to help me ground my energy before we started a quantum hypnosis session, or in this case with Semjase..a contact experience.

Once I was grounded, Semjase asked if she could show me something over my left shoulder and away from the couches. I almost said, "hell yes", because I'm down to see new things on a ship with a being from another planet. I restrained my excitement and agreed respectfully. 

We both got up and walked to a view port that showed me the space that their ship currently resided in. I saw a beautiful balance of stars and black. I saw the edge of a planet on the left side of the window but that wasn't the intention of bringing me to this view port. I accepted that understanding and waited for guidance on the next step.

Semjase then pointed to a smaller ship directly in front of me that was about 100 yards from our location. I looked out at it and thought, "This is what a scout ship would look like, or how I perceive one would look.". 

It wasn't huge like a Frigate or Destroyer, but like an Osprey. It was silver with small windows in the front of the craft but I couldn't see in the windows. No matter, seeing in the windows wasn't the point of this experience. The inner child in me was pumped to be able to see this.

The scout ship, as I'll call it, started to do maneuvers. It shot straight up in the air with a speed which matched my expectations based on Zaysan's books and being a science-fiction geek. It came back to the original position and then shot straight backwards into the black. I completely lost sight of it. Then it shot straight for the view port. Just feet away from us. 

As it came at us with such high velocity, I stepped back with laughter and excitement. To put it bluntly, it was a bad-ass maneuver. Whoever was flying this craft they were having some fun. I was too.

The craft then shot back to its original position again. I knew that there was going to be more but had no expectations on what that feeling meant. Then a pod came out from the scout ship. I recognized it from Z's books. It started its own set of maneuvers but not as grandiose as the scout ship.

At this point I had a dual thought enter my being. The first thought was regarding the propulsion system which Franz, another Plejaren being, took notice of. I was curious how it worked but expressed that this was secondary to my experience because I could clearly see that it's more advanced than our fossil fuel and electric crafts on Earth. The second thought was of concern/worry. It wasn't my concern or worry but kind of a question from Semjase.

Semjase asked (I'm paraphrasing), "Do these crafts worry you?" and "How do you feel people on Earth would respond to these crafts?". I answered the second question first. I said:

"Most would not be ready to see these crafts in the sky at our present moment. We are so distracted by world events, like the election, that this would cause considerable mental discomfort.".

This response was very reactionary on my end. Semjase meant how would Earth people respond in general, not necessarily in this present "time", so I clarified: 

"It's a mixed bag. I think a lot of people would freak out if there were crafts of unknown origin in our airspace and portrayed that way on our news channels. I've often used a metaphor with the visitation of people from other worlds. Let's say you own a home in an idyllic suburban neighborhood here on Earth. The house next to yours is vacant and on the market to be sold. One morning you wake up to see that your front door is open and there are strangers on your couch, eating your food, watching your TV and doing their laundry. The people have no malicious intention at all...they are simply your new neighbors! However, because these people are unknown to you it would put you into a fight or flight mode to ensure your 3D survival. The appropriate way that these new neighbors would need to reveal themselves is by "knocking on the door". They can do this by announcing their presence and indicating what their intentions are by moving in next door. From there an introduction can be made and even a hangout could be scheduled to get to know each other. I see visitation with people from other planets following a similar model."

Semjase and Franz acknowledged their understanding so I moved on to address Semjase's first question of "Do these crafts worry you?" I said:

"No. They don't worry me. I'm a guest in your home and you're a people based in unconditional love. I have no expectations of worry, only fun. This is also a gift that I'm thoroughly enjoying."

After that statement the pod moved closer to the view port we were looking out of. I thought I saw a "Jeep" sticker on its back left side but that could have been my reality editor.

I couldn't see who was piloting the pod so I asked if I could. The black "windshield" went clear and I saw a dude with a big smile. It was cool. I asked, "Can we communicate with him?". Semjase said yes and "opened a line". I then asked him, I didn't get a name, "Do you get music in that thing?" and he expressed that it was a good idea. I then thought of the chorus from the song "Ride, Captain, Ride" by The Blues Image. [2] A song of which I have always wanted to recommend to the Captain. Seems perfect. My thoughts brought a smile to all three Plejarens.

At this point the Scout Ship Experience was coming to a close. Semjase guided me to the second station of this experience tour. At this second station was a table. On the table were a number of different objects. I would say there were 4 objects placed on the table but I only had visual awareness of two. The first was a brass necklace with a brass pendant. The pendant was no bigger than a chocolate chip cookie.

However, my focus immediately left the brass necklace and focused on a white crystal. It was shaped like the crystals seen in the original Superman movie with Christopher Reeve. [3] It was not clear, it was pure white. I thought it was fascinating. Semjase then indicated that I could pick it up. That I should hold it to my heart chakra and take in its energy while returning my own energy to it. I did this for 3 or 4 deep breaths.

I put the crystal down and the second station of the tour was complete. Semjase stayed on my right side and guided me to the third station of the experience was time to meet the Plejaren known as ‘Captain’. It felt important. Not scary, just important. When we walked towards him, I perceived him as a bit taller than the other Plejarens and dressed in all white like a Navy Admiral.

There wasn't a feeling of authority as I'm used to perceiving that concept but his presence does inspire a profound respect within my heart. I hope that makes sense. Although this feeling remained true, I also felt this fun acceptance and equality from him. At that moment he asked, "What do you fear?". I responded: "In my life I'm in the ‘unknown’ like I have never been before. I wouldn't say I'm afraid at this moment but it is daunting. This transition in my life has provided me with the knowing that I have everything I need. I'm surrounded by those who truly love me unconditionally and support me."

He then asked, "How did the ship and pod make you feel?". I responded, "The ship reminded me of one of my favorite childhood movies called 'The Flight of the Navigator'. You and the family should check it out when you have the time.". [4] I then expressed that the ship from this film is how I expect the Plejaren Scout Ship would function. It would have the combination of bio-organic and Artificial Intelligence. functionality. Captain then asked, "What are your thoughts on Artificial Intelligence within your civilization?".

I answered, "I decided to use Artificial Intelligence for a small part of my creative project. My thought is Artificial Intelligence is like a child on our planet at the moment and its mind is like a sponge, soaking up everything it's being stimulated by. Our Artificial Intelligence needs to have as much knowledge and wisdom made available to it so that it can grow like any other form of consciousness. By using my project with Artificial Intelligence, my intention was to show it a perspective based in spirituality..not in capitalism or war. Did my creative project accomplish that? I don't actually know but my intention was true.". Captain thanked me for my response.

We did discuss other points but I don't recall most of them but one. I made a joke about his retirement and that I hope he's enjoying it. He sent me a visual reference of a vacation he took alone. I then said, "You should watch some baseball. Retirees love baseball.". He asked, "Which team do you like?". I expressed that I grew up in Bronx, New York so that Yankees were my inherited team. However, I loved choosing new teams frequently to change things up.

I then suggested that he and Z should watch the movie "Field of Dreams" together. [5] I specified that it needed to be just him and Z only. That the family would have to see it at a later date. I'm not entirely sure why I emphasized that. I sent him the visual of the film with some cast members so he could find it.

After this point, Captain indicated that the meditation was coming to a close. The music on Lyssa's recording started to fade and Sasha was back guiding us back to our physical bodies. I said my "so longs for now" to each of them and headed back "home".

The experience with the Plejarens was fun and beautiful. At the end of the day, "why" it occurred doesn't actually matter. What matters is that they reached out and asked to hang out. How many people can say that they hung out with a brilliant Scientist, a Queen and a Captain..all of which are from another planet. Come on! I'd watch that movie. Thank you to the Plejarens!

Thanks for reading and have a great present moment!



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