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Seeing Red

Writer: Matt M.Matt M.

Updated: 2 days ago

In New York, the most common car colors are black, gray, white, silver and blue. [1] Boring. However, I'm not writing this post to be judgemental of my fellow New Yorkers choice of car colors. I am writing to express my recent inner-self observations based on experiences in my external environment.

Specifically, I have seen a high volume of cars with a vibrant red paint job. Over the last few days, red cars have been everywhere. When I experience an aspect of my external world that is uncommon, I take note internally. After experiencing this red color so frequently, I asked myself "What does red represent spiritually and how does it relate to my current emotional state?".

I realized that the increased frequency of experiencing 'Red' in my external environment represented my Root Chakra. Simona Sebastian from writes: [2]

Muladhara (Root Chakra) is the most instinctual of all chakras - it is your survival center. Your fight and flight response is initiated from this chakra. This is your primal, animal nature.
The energy of Muladhara allows us to harness courage, resourcefulness and the will to live during trying times. It connects us with spiritual energies of our ancestors, their challenges and their triumphs.

I have been out of work since January. No work means no money to pay the bills. Thankfully, my family has provided me financial support as I continue to look for a new job. However, in this present moment, asking for money is no longer an option. Not because people aren't willing to help, but because of understandable life circumstances.

With this reality, I have felt an increase in survival fear. I have felt both the 'fight' and 'flight' responses that Ms. Sebastian writes in her article. I have felt the need to harness courage, resourcefulness and the will to persevere during this trying time. My external world communicated to me what I knew within myself, I need to balance my Root Chakra and ground myself into Mother Earth's energy.

I have done this by meditating each morning. During the meditation I have focused on connecting to the Earth through mental visualization. After connecting with the Earth energetically, I create a gold sphere around my Root Chakra. Gold is a very powerful element energetically so using it to help balance my Root Chakra seems like a good move.

This practice of balancing my Root Chakra is not a switch. I will need to do this each day until it has been balanced. Additionally, staying centered prevents me from moving into a 'fight' or 'flight' mode. However, there is a part of my Ego that wants me to move into this 'fight' or 'flight' mode so that I can "control" my external world and "survive".

Although I am feeling a need for survival this month, I have more peace about this challenging time then ever before. In the past I would go straight into survival mode. I would approach the perceived threat by obsessively completing a task that would provide me a sense of control. Completing that task would work for a moment but then it would fade away. The anxiety would return and I would find myself trying to complete another task or sink myself into a comfort food or drink (i.e. sugar, caffeeine, smoking, marijuana, etc).

What works, for me, is meditation. What also works for me is knowing I have everything I need in this present moment. No the bills aren't paid but I know I'm doing what I can to change that. I know that both my dog (Joy) and I are healthy. That my family has my back.

So why is this occurring in my life right now? I believe I know that answer to that. I'm in a state of transition. In this transition, I am accessing new depths of Trust and Faith. I am learning to trust my intuiton. For example, I am not going to ask for money this month. Yes, you read that right. Why? Because I know I'm not supposed to. I know that energetically my life is changing even if my physical surrondings are not. I trust that my current situation is not a challenge but an opportiunity to grow. Instead of being destructive and playing the role of the victim, I am being constructive and playing the role of the writer.

Next up, Faith. I'm centering myself in the unknown without fear. I'm learning, as uncomfortable as it may feel, to have faith that my actions and intentions are creating the reality I want in the future. With practicing Faith over the last few days, I was given a gift. An angel number.

The Angel Number was 7171. I saw this exact number sequence on three different cars yesterday and another car this morning. This isn't coicidence, it's divine intervention from my spiritual friends. I decided to search for "Angel Number 71". From Joanne Walmsley of "", she writes: [3]

You have been working steadily towards expanding and elevating your consciousness, and the angels ask you to persist on this path. Trust that you are being surrounded, supported and Divinely guided each step of the way.
Angel Number 71 is a message from the angels that you will experience good fortune which will lead to the manifestation of your heart’s desires. It is the energy of ‘just rewards’ and indicates that you are on the right path in every way. This number sequence is a sign that you have chosen your thoughts well and have made wise decisions and choices along the way.

In conculusion, it's a challenging time in my life but I'm spiritually on the right path. This allows me to focus on another key aspect of life, Hope. I have Hope, although sometimes reluctantly, that all will be well. I just need to keep up my practice, share my experiences and believe in myself. Everything else will fall into place when it needs to.

Thanks for reading and enjoy your present moment!



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