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Embracing Change

Writer: Matt M.Matt M.

Updated: 1 day ago

Throughout the week I will select two cards after meditation. This practice provides me additional context to feelings, thoughts and/or experiences that came up during my meditation. Additionally, pulling these cards can bring new insight on aspects of myself that I need to focus on more. The two decks I use after meditation are "Galactic Heritage Cards" and "Osho Zen Tarot", links below.[1][2] These cards hold a great deal of wisdom. I strongly recommend you add them to your practice if they resonate with you.

During my morning meditation today, I emptied my mind of it's thoughts (as best as I could haha) and went into the void. In the void I found myself asking about my material life. I asked, "Should I call this company today to settle the open item I have with them?". I felt the response, "Wait.". I also sensed two hands being held up towards me reinforcing the message to "Wait.". Admittedly, I knew this was my Higher Self giving me guidance which aligns to my highest good BUT I was not a fan of it. Waiting requires faith and lately, I feel a bit exhausted of having faith.

However, I didn't dismiss the guidance. It was provided to me for a reason so I accepted it and provided my gratitude for the response. I came out of the meditation feeling better and focused on being present with faith. As I was enjoying the energy coming out of the meditation, I then selected two cards from the decks I mentioned earlier. And as usual, the cards were completely on point with the theme of my meditation. The first card I pulled from the Galactic Heritage Card Deck. It was 2: Pulse of Life - Galactic Core - Parallel. I won't copy all the text from the card into this blog post, that's just poor form, but I will highlight what stood out to me. In this "Pulse of Life" card I read:

"You cannot rush evolution. Let go and allow the universe to work through you."

Ok, well. That card is most certainly contextually relevant. In meditation I was asked to "Wait" by my Higher Self. Waiting requires having faith while not knowing how life will turn out. Furthermore, faith is the acceptance of not seeking to control our external world. That the unknown will deliver what we need in life. I recently have felt this is my biggest opportunity. I am working on surrendering my need for controlling my external environment so that I have the material comforts I'm used to. Over the last few years I have experienced this often. Each time I would feel this opportunity come up, I felt that I was accessing new or deeper levels of faith. Please believe me when I say this, faith takes time and I've experienced fear and frustration (even this week) as I seek having more faith in the unknown.

The second card I pulled from the Osho Zen Tarot deck was called "X: Change". Ah, ok. Even before diving into the commentary of the card, I knew I was on the right track. Yesterday I posted a blog named "Journal Entry | Resistance to Change". [3] Instantly I knew what I was be guided to focus on but I read the commentary before putting my thoughts into written word. Again, there is a lot of wisdom in these cards but what stuck out to me from this Osho Zen Tarot Card was:

"One day, a fine morning, you are feeling so good and so happy, and another day you are so dull, so dead that you start thinking of committing suicide. And just the other day you were so full of life, so blissful that you were feeling thankful to God, that you were in a mood of deep gratefulness, and today there is great complaint and you don't see the point why one should go on living.... And it goes on and on, but you don't see the pattern. Once you see the pattern, you can get out of it."

I ask for your patience and understanding with this quote. First, I do not take the term "suicide" lightly, nor does the author of these cards. It's an extremely tragic and serious aspect of our humanity that I meet with deep compassion. The intention of the card, in my opinion, is to highlight the intense highs and lows a person can feel throughout their every day lives. One day a person can be happy. The next day they could feel uncharacteristically depressed. One day their environment is peaceful. The next day their environment is chaotic. These are polarities of duality. Duality is the state of our existence.

What stuck out to me the most about the commentary from this card was: "Once you see the pattern, you can get out if it.". The identification of this pattern is exactly where I currently reside. Yesterday's post was centered around resisting Change. When Change occurs in my life, I resist it and that causes me discomfort. This is my pattern. This is what I'm being asked to do. First, recognize my pattern. Second, seek understanding of why I am resisting Change in my life. Third, integrate this understanding of Change. Lastly, take a leap of faith and CHANGE.

By Changing aspects of myself that no longer serve me, I can grow. I can heal. I can experience new life. The Change I'm being guided towards centers around having faith in the Universe, trusting the process of the unknown and letting go of trying to control my external world. So I'll "Wait" and see what happens :)

Thanks for reading and have a great present moment!



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