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A Visit from Mother Mary & Yeshua

Writer: Matt M.Matt M.

Updated: Mar 8

As the music portion of my meditation started, I sank deeper into the detachment of distraction. I sank deeper into the void. While in the void I visualized a candle's flame to keep my focus within myself and not on my character's external thoughts. As I worked with this candle, I started to sense some images. Nothing concrete but I sensed there was more to see.

Then a visual started to "materialize" in the void. It was of a female being in a long sky blue colored robe. As my awareness started to get closer to the being, I saw that the robe started from the top of the being's head. I was then sent another visual of a traditional catholic statue to confirm the "identity" of this being. It was Mother Mary.

As I came to understand who I was experiencing, I saw Mother Mary with a beard. I then saw and experienced Mother Mary's energetic field move into one that was more masculine. This masculine being and I sat on a beach together at night. I said:

Matt: You are Yeshua.

Yeshua: I am.

Matt: Thank you for being here.

Yeshua: I am happy to be.

Yeshua then raised his arms and guided his hands to my body.

Yeshua: I am going to put my hand on your back. (He place his left hand on my upper back between my shoulder blades)

Yeshua: I am going to put my other hand on your heart.

I observed him and was open to this so he proceeded.

Yeshua: I want to assist you to release aspects of yourself that you no longer need. Think of these aspects. Think of what blocks you from being yourself. Feel my hands. They are here out of love. My hands are here to guide these aspects of yourself, out of your SELF.

As he explained this, I thought of my lack of self- worth. I thought of my fear of being retaliated against by others for being myself. I thought of my fear of being abandoned for being myself. I took a breath in and I exhaled these aspects more deeply. I felt Yeshua's hands guide the energy of these illusions of myself. I also felt the power of the ocean as we sat on the sand of the beach.

After a few moments, I found myself in a deep dark cavern. The cavern was damp, moldy and old. I didn't feel fear while being here but I did sense that it's not a place that I would want to visit daily. In the center of this part of the cavern was a giant cube. The cube matched the theme of the cavern and had a lot of gunk on it. It rested on one of it's points, not flat on one of it's side. It clearly had been in this location for decades, if not longer.

As I observed the cube, I looked to my left. I saw Yeshua there.

Yeshua: This cube and this cavern have been here for some time. Both of which have not been attended to which is why you see them in this degraded state.

Yeshua: Place your hands on the cube. Feel it. The dirt is only there because it has accumulated, not because it's the cube's nature to be dirty.

Yeshua: This cavern, this cube, are you. They represent unattended aspects of your character and your human being-ness. These aspects are ready to be released.

After he said this I felt, "Are you going to release these unattended aspects of myself?" to which Yeshua replied: "No. You can do this and I'll be here as you do.".

I then focused on my hands being on the cube. I began to think too much about how to do this. I didn't understand how I could clean this cube with my hands. After having these thoughts, Yeshua said: "Believe".

I let go of my thoughts. I infused the cube with a gold energy from my being-ness. I could see and sense the cube disintegrating at a quantum level. As I allowed myself to "Believe" in myself, the cube broke into an infinite amount of golden sparkles and floated up. The cube was gone and now a golden liquid sphere remained. The cavern was no longer deep and dark, it was pure white with gold accents. It was vibrant and liberated.

Yeshua: This place represents your true self, free of the self inflicted and societal limitations that you have experienced. It's purity. Rest here. Visit here. Know that you are capable of so much, you only need to "Believe" in yourself. I love you. Take care.

Matt: Thank you for this experience. For your support and love. I look forward to future adventures with you.

Yeshua belted out a heart felt laugh of appreciation and drifted away.

Thanks for reading and have a great present moment!


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