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Our Sentient Earth & Her Representatives

Writer: Matt M.Matt M.

Updated: Mar 8


  1. My intention with the narrative of this post is to support new ideas about Earth and to inspire readers to think "outside the box" regarding our home. I do not make any claim that this blog post is fact.

  2. Repeat to yourself its just a show, I should really just relax...and have some fun...[1]


In our civilization, a name is how we acknowledge the existence of a person, place or thing. When it comes to the various kingdoms of life found on our planet, a name is also acknowledging the level of sentience that these persons, places or things may have. In naming the planet of which our species resides on, we acknowledge our cosmic home's existence as well as it's potential level of sentience. Terra, Jorden, Art, Earth, Erde, Maa, and Gaia are only a few of the names that humanity has called the third planet from the Sun over the course of our civilization’s history. [2]

However, an understandable amount of people would debate that the third planet from the Sun has a name because it exists, not because she’s sentient. The scope of this blog post is to utilize the 'Gaia Hypothesis' to express at the mind-level how our planet could be sentient. Furthermore, I aim to guide the reader to conceptualize the sentience of our planet by exploring this hypothesis at the heart-level. I will do this by applying the power of imagination to this post's narrative through referencing of a popular 1990's cartoon series.

For the entirety of this post, "Gaia" will be the selected name to reference our planet. Side note: I would rename our planet "Arcadia" but that's a conversation for another day. [3]

The Gaia Hypothesis

Dr. James Lovelock (1919 - 2022) was a British scientist, environmentalist and futurist. Dr. Lovelock has a Bachelors of Science in Chemistry from Manchester University, a Ph.D. in Medicine from London School of Hygiene and Tropical medicine, and a D.Sc. in Biophysics from London University. Dr. Lovelock was awarded a great deal of fellowships, prizes, honors and awards throughout the entirety of his career. His expertise in atmospheric sciences is what interested NASA and Jet Propulsion Laboratory (J.P.L) to bring him on as a consultant in the early 1960’s. [4]

The objective that NASA and J.P.L gave to Dr. Lovelock in the 1960’s was to provide consultation on how to design instruments that could identify extraterrestrial life forms on planets within the solar system. The planets that NASA and J.P.L had selected to investigate for life were Mars and Venus. The latter planet, Venus, was ruled out as planetary conditions were too volatile to send a spacecraft to that location so Mars was chosen for the project.

Dr. Lovelock's task was to figure out how to identify potential life on Mars by evaluating its atmospheric conditions. From the article “Science of the Living Earth: The Gaia Theory” by David Orrell:

“This led him to think about what constitutes life, and how it can be detected. He decided that the most general characteristic of life was that it takes in energy and matter and discards waste products. He also reasoned that organisms would use the planet’s atmosphere as a medium for this cyclic exchange, just as we breathe in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide. He speculated that life would therefore leave a detectable chemical signature on the Martian atmosphere.” [5]

With the help of Dian Hitchcock, Dr. Lovelock was able to analyze and identify the chemical composition of the atmospheres belonging to Venus, Mars and Gaia. What they found was that both of the atmospheres of Venus and Mars had a chemical equilibrium of 95% carbon dioxide. Gaia was far from equilibrium as her atmosphere’s composition was unequal, at the time of this particular study, between 77% nitrogen and 21% oxygen.

The result of the mixture of gasses in Gaia’s atmosphere is that the surface is colorful and full of life compared to the other two planets. The chart below shows how these planets appear from space based on their atmospheric conditions.

Venus, Earth and Mars Chart

In the article "James Lovelock at 100: the Gaia saga continues" by Tim Radford, he comments on a unique signal generated from each of these planets. Radford writes:

"That disequilibrium radiates an infrared signal, which Lovelock later described as an “unceasing song of life” that is “audible to anyone with a receiver, even from outside the Solar System”. Thus, the answer to NASA’s question was already written in the static Martian atmosphere, composed almost entirely of non-reactive carbon dioxide.” [6]

With Gaia’s atmosphere in disequilibrium, as well as her particular infrared signal, she is a metaphorical beacon of life with a unique frequency in comparison to the “dead” planets located in the same solar system. Based on the findings that Dr. Lovelock and his colleagues obtained, the natural questions that arose were “Why, and how, is Gaia’s atmosphere so unique?”.

Dr. Lovelock looked to Gaia’s biosphere in order to answer these questions. Specifically, he utilized historical science that provided an understanding that three billion years ago both bacteria and photosynthetic algae extracted carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and released oxygen as a waste product. Over the course of Gaia's life, nitrogen and oxygen became the dominant gasses within the atmosphere. This new atmosphere could support larger organisms through aerobic respiration. [7] Dr. Lovelock stated:

"The Earth’s atmosphere was an extraordinary and unstable mixture of gases, yet I knew that it was constant in composition over quite long periods of time. Could it be that life on Earth not only made the atmosphere, but also regulated it - keeping it at a constant composition, and at a level favorable for organisms?"

This idea of self regulation was further supported by researching the possible mechanisms Gaia was using to manage the gasses in the atmosphere. In order to figure out these possible mechanisms, Dr. Lovelock formed a working partnership with Dr. Lynn Margulis who specialized in microbiology. Fun note, Dr. Margulis was previously married to the well known astrophysicist, cosmologist and author, Carl Sagan. [8] [9]

At the time of their collaboration, Dr. Margulis was working on a study to better understand how living organisms produced and removed gasses from the atmosphere. More specifically, Margulis’ study was to see how microbes and bacteria in soil contributed to the gasses found in the atmosphere.

During the time that Dr. Lovelock and Dr. Margulis collaborated together, they identified a number of key ecological feedback loops which contribute to the atmosphere’s disequilibrium and sustainability of various species of life. One of the imperative ecological feedback loops was around the planet’s carbon dioxide cycle and bacteria in soil. Orrdell writes:

“One process by which carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere is rock weathering, where rainwater and carbon dioxide combine with rocks to form carbonates. Lovelock, Margulis and others discovered that the process is greatly accelerated by the presence of soil bacteria. The carbonates are washed away into the ocean, where microscopic algae use them to make tiny shells."

"When the algae die, their shells sink to the bottom of the ocean, forming limestone sediments. Limestone is so heavy that it gradually sinks underneath the Earth’s mantle, where it melts. Eventually some of the carbon dioxide contained in the limestone will be fed back into the atmosphere through another volcano.” [10]

Orrdell also points out that scientist Vladimir Vernadsky emphasized the importance of bio transport systems within the overall ecological system of our biosphere. From wikipedia:

“Vernadsky's visionary pronouncements were not widely accepted in the West. However, he was one of the first scientists to recognize that the oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere result from biological processes. During the 1920s he published works arguing that living organisms could reshape the planets as surely as any physical force. Vernadsky was an important pioneer of the scientific bases for the environmental sciences.” [10]

Birds have been noted to be a bio transport system as they feed on marine life and then transfer matter back to the land which then can ultimately contribute to these feedback loops. [11] The confirmation of Gaia’s atmospheric disequilibrium and the identification of sustainable ecological feedback loops contributing to the disequilibrium are the foundation of what became the ‘Gaia Hypothesis’. In Dr. Lovelock’s book "Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth", he explains his hypothesis: [12]

"...the physical and chemical condition of the surface of the Earth, of the atmosphere, and of the oceans has been and is actively made fit and comfortable by the presence of life itself. This is in contrast to the conventional wisdom which held that life adapted to the planetary conditions as it and they evolved their separate ways."

"The entire range of living matter on Earth from whales to viruses and from oaks to algae could be regarded as constituting a single living entity capable of maintaining the Earth's atmosphere to suit its overall needs and endowed with faculties and powers far beyond those of its constituent parts...[Gaia can be defined] as a complex entity involving the Earth's biosphere, atmosphere, oceans, and soil; the totality constituting a feedback of cybernetic systems which seeks an optimal physical and chemical environment for life on this planet."

Additionally, Lovelock expanded on his hypothesis by including how surface humanity could be of significant importance to Gaia’s well being and ecological processes, he writes:

"To what extent is our collective intelligence also a part of Gaia? Do we as a species constitute a Gaian nervous system and a brain which can consciously anticipate environmental changes?" [13]

The ‘Gaia Hypothesis’ provides an opportunity to look at the science of Gaia’s ecological processes and see them not only as a form of self regulation, but of promoted evolution by a sentient planet. This regulation and evolution is based on a delicate harmony between the mineral, plant, insect, animal, and human kingdoms of our planet.

The harmony to successfully maintain life on this planet is both scientifically complex and yet, philosophically simple. I say "simple" because the Gaia Hypothesis supports what I have always believed to be true about existence on this planet, we all need one another in order to thrive. Separation amongst kingdoms of life leads to division, and division only stunts the evolutionary process for any species.

Now for the "out there" concept. Remember, I'm not claiming this post to be fact. Merely conceptual and imaginative to inspire your mind and heart to think and feel a shared positive responsibility for our planet as well as all life that resides on it. Also, to have some fun. However, I do stand by what my heart says about this planet being a conscious being. That will never change.

That being said, let's assume that the Gaia Hypothesis is fact. Shouldn't Gaia have political power equal to our civilization's executive bureaucrats? How does a planet represent themselves if they don't communicate in the same physical spoken language as their dominant species? If extraterrestrials visited us today, who would be selected to represent Gaia's interests and the interests of all kingdoms of life on the planet?

Essentially, the opportunity that I want to address is, who or what would be selected as physical, political, intellectual, emotional and/or spiritual representatives of Gaia?

Gaia’s Representation

The opportunity outlined in the last paragraph can be addressed by identifying the level of evolutionary awareness required by a species in order to successfully communicate and understand the needs of their home planet.

Only a minority of humanity recognizes Gaia as a living planet. This includes indigenous communities who have passed down generational wisdom of their connection to the planet and how her ecological processes work. This also includes individuals, who are culturally outside of these indigenous communities, who have awakened in our modern day and have become aware of our planet at both the emotional and spiritual spiritual levels.

Both of these groups outlined have a heightened level of consciousness that's founded in unconditional love for all life forms. This is key to connecting to our planet at a spiritual level. Since the majority of humanity does not currently possess this depth of connection with Gaia, her needs and interests are not fairly represented, nor are the kingdoms of life that make up her ecosystem.

In the past I have read about a group of beings who are part of Inter-Galactic Council of sorts. This council consists of a group of extraterrestrial nations who provide recommendations to other extraterrestrial races that are assisting the evolutionary journey of Gaia and our human species. Essentially, this council has advanced spiritually so much that they are the mentors to those who mentor us.

Regardless, extraterrestrials are said to be able to communicate with Gaia directly through meditative states due to their spiritual advancement and being-ness of unconditional love. In these states they can understand Gaia's needs and support her as long as is does not interfere with her, or her inhabitants, evolutionary paths. This is another key component of extraterrestrial help that I'll cover in a future post or podcast episode.

Ultimately, we live on Gaia's surface and have to hold responsibility of her care as well as seeking higher states of consciousness to be able to communicate with her. The question that I raise based on my perspective is, “How can the inhabitants of Gaia successfully communicate her needs and interests of the planet if they are not spiritually advanced enough to do so?”.

The answer to my self-imposed question requires a substantial shift in consciousness that first, acknowledges Gaia's sentience and second, allows the cultures of humanity that are spiritually aware of Gaia to teach others how they can communicate with her. However, it's not all on humanity's shoulders. I believe Gaia would guide us to who she feels is capable of representing her needs. This notion reminded me of an animated series from the 1990’s called “Captain Planet and the Planeteers”. [14] From wikipedia:

“Our world is in peril. Gaia, the spirit of the Earth, can no longer stand the terrible destruction plaguing our planet. She sends five magic rings to five special young people: Kwame, from Africa, with the power of Earth... From North America, Wheeler, with the power of Fire... From Eastern Europe, Linka, with the power of Wind. From Asia, Gi, with the power of Water... and from South America, Ma-Ti, with the power of Heart. When the five powers combine, they summon Earth's greatest champion, Captain Planet. The power is yours!” [15]

Above is the opening narration for each episode of the “Captain Planet” show. I remember having an appreciation for this show as a kid and still feel that appreciation today. Outside of the obvious call-out that the “spirit of Earth” is named ‘Gaia’, please note that there are group of individuals chosen from various countries to represent key elements that make up our planet’s biology. None of the individuals chosen were executive bureaucrats. These individuals were chosen by Gaia as they represented her needs and interests better than any world government or corporation are presently capable of doing.

I see the five rings that these individuals have been given not only representative of Gaia's elements, but equal to various kingdoms of life exist on the planet. However, we can’t assume that humanity would be the best fit to represent all of the various species of life that are currently inhabiting the planet. For example, the Ring of Water is represented by an individual from Asia. This person could be a great representative but Cetaceans are likely a better option. Their brains are highly advanced and their species has been on the planet longer then humanity. They could best represent their species needs and Gaia's element of water better than a human who has only ever lived on the surface of the planet.

Now let’s look at Captain Planet himself. In the show he is a manifestation of all the rings' power combined and ultimately Gaia’s champion to defend her from the intentional and unintentional abuse of our modern day civilization. My thought is that the individuals who were chosen to represent Gaia’s needs and interests would be her “champions” and represent her collectively. The key to becoming a Gaian Champion would be that these individuals would need to be spiritually advanced and their lives are founded in unconditional love for all life forms.

With the rings provided to the appropriate Gaian species champions, individuals could represent Gaia within the civilization that resides on her planet as well as visiting extraterrestrial groups such as an Inter-Galactic Council.


The ‘Gaia Hypothesis’ provides a scientific and philosophical perspective of the reality that our planet is alive and promotes evolution through ecological feedback loops that sustain various species of life on her planet. The work of Dr. James Lovelock and his colleagues provide a bridge between the mainstream materialistic approach to our planet and the metaphysical elements of our existence. Additionally, spiritual advancement based in unconditional love for all life forms is best suited for representing the needs and interests of Gaia in relationships with extraterrestrial races.

Thanks for reading and have a great present moment!


















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