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Sacred Geometry & The Storm of Saturn

Writer: Matt M.Matt M.

Updated: Mar 8

Being open at the mind and heart levels has allowed me to see aspects of reality with a depth of meaning that I would have thought were fictitious in the past. Synchroncities confirm that I'm on the right path and angel numbers provide me messages from my guides that I can meditate on so that I can continue to evolve.

A natural next step as I continued my research was to study the subject of Sacred Geometry. Like synchronicity and angel numbers, when my internal Sacred Geometry switch was turned on, it could not be turned off. Sacred Geometry is literally everywhere. Nature, architecture, mathematics, art and spirituality are pillars of our existence where these geometric patterns can be observed. Each of these pillars hold physical and energetic evidence of how they tie back to Sacred Geometry. From PuzzleSolver of [1]

"Sacred geometry is a universal language that describes the inner workings of nature and the intrinsic order of the universe. It is the natural sanction that unites all forms of life… from microbes, plants, animals and humans to the motions of the planets and stars."
"Sacred geometry shows the quality of relatedness between unique and individual differences and demonstrates how diverse elements can be organized into a whole, while still preserving their individual uniqueness."

Familiar examples of Sacred Geometry in our lives include snowflakes, bee hives, the nautilus shell and plant life such as a blooming flower. They are formed by foundational shapes including circles, triangles and squares. When combined within themselves they provide beautiful patterns that activate a being at the soul level.

What I love about this subject is the physical scale of it's interconnectdness. Sacred Geometry can be found in the smallest of places including DNA. [2] Richard J Oldale from Master Mind Content writes:

“Look at nature and you find the hexagon is one of the principal governing patterns that is dominant in the natural world. And it is at the core of mankind as well. The hexagon is found in the structure of DNA. It is the formation of the chains that produce the double-helix macromolecule. But the hexagon is not limited to Earth.” [3]

"But the hexagon is not limited to Earth" is a wonderful understatement. For a moment, let's consider DNA to be the "micro" way we can physically view Sacred Geometry. What would be a "macro" way to physically view Sacred Geometry? Luckily for humanity, and life on Earth, our own Solar System has provided an answer to that question.

In 1980 and 1981, NASA's Voyager mission discovered a six sided jet stream on the massive gas giant. Understandably, the crafts deployed for this mission weren't on an optimal trajectory to obtain comprehensive photographic evidence of the atmospheric curiosity on Saturn. A probe later launched by NASA, named the Cassini, captured breathtaking photos in August 2009 of what was occurring at the planet's north pole. [4] The images provided by the Cassini probe showed a massive hexagonal storm resting at the top of the planet.


I was blown away when I first saw this image. The science behind how this storm system has lasted decades, likely much longer then that, is a lot of fun to read about. However, what I found to be more fascinating is that Saturn is communicating to it's planetary neighbors a very important and welcoming message - "Existence is interconnected across the cosmos". Saturn's storm bridges the micro and macro views of Sacred Geometry together in a profound way. Most importantly, Saturn's storm is in the geometric shape of the hexagon.

The hexagon is a powerful and important symbol in Sacred Geometry. From Luke of [6]

"In the realm of sacred geometry, the hexagon is considered a fundamental shape. It embodies balance, harmony, and unity, reflecting the perfect symmetry found in the natural world. The hexagon’s six equal sides and angles create a sense of equilibrium and stability, making it a powerful symbol of cosmic order."
"This geometric form is often associated with the concept of the Flower of Life, a complex pattern formed by overlapping circles. The hexagon plays a central role in this intricate design, representing the interconnectedness of all living beings and the divine blueprint of creation."

Again, the science of Saturn's hexagonal storm is very cool. However, looking at this storm with the additional spiritual lens provides a truly special perspective of what's occurring in our own Solar System and what's possible within ourselves. When you can, and if you'd like, check out more about this storm and Sacred Geometry. Do you notice the interconnectdness of the subject in your own life, nature and the cosmos?

Thanks for reading and have a great present moment!



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