As 2021 "moved forward", my experiences of synchronicity and angel numbers continued. Just knowing that there were communities of people who also experienced these spiritual aspects of ourselves was no longer enough. I felt ready to get out in the world and mingle at a quantum level. When I researched local communities and groups in the area, I found a spiritual church that was hosting a weekly book club in February.
Their expectations were great. First, there was no fee to join the book club and no expectations that I needed to join their weekly practices. It was an open invitation to the public. I was scheduled to join the first session on 02/01 after purchasing the book and completing other admin related tasks.
The book that was selected for the club was called “Broken Open” by Elizabeth Lesser. [1] It’s about breaking open an aspect of yourself that’s holding you back from discovering your true self. It was the right kind of book for a person immersing themselves within their spiritual journey.
In my last blog post I wrote, “When I realized what just happened, I said out loud, “This evening was supposed to play out exactly as it did so I could open myself up to my dear friend about what I’m going through.” To which my friend responded beautifully, “It was meant to be Matt. That’s how this stuff works.” [2]. Admittedly, I did not know the subject of the book when I purchased it. I simply ordered it for pickup on 01/31/21, a day after the experience I had with my fellow volunteer and friend.
My first book club meeting was beautiful. The people were incredible, vulnerable and truly supportive of one another. It was a really great moment to experience. During this first session, I felt profound moments of gratefulness and had three synchronicities come up:
First this was our assignment for that evening:

Later on the call two quotes came up:
“I lived in that house for 19 years.” - Person A
“My husband and I have been with each other for 19 years.” - Person B
The presence of the number 19 was additional validation that I was exactly where I needed to be. This book club provided me the opportunity to let my guard fall away even more and be vulnerable with complete strangers. I felt no perception of being judged for being me. That was powerful. It provided a place to be my true compassionate self. To hear and listen with honor, as well as unconditional love, as others shared the experiences from their lives that they were reminded of when they read this book.
If you have the opportunity to join a book club, a group or some form of community where you can share your true self without judgement, I recommend that you dive right in. I think that this experience, along with working with horses, provided me the confidence to create environments of safety and unconditional love wherever I may be.
Thanks for reading and have a great present moment!
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