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Synchronicity Event: Saturday - 01/30/21

Writer: Matt M.Matt M.

Updated: Mar 8

This Saturday started like any other Saturday. I was up by 05:30am and walked my dog, Joy, by 6am. By 06:45am, I was on the road and heading to the horse rescue that I volunteered at. I was feeling great that morning. It was a beautiful Colorado day and the people at the rescue were always great to be around.

After a full day of volunteer activities, I wrapped up my day at the rescue around 4pm. My routine at that time was to pick up some groceries from the store before heading home to walk Joy and settle down for the evening. When I parked at the supermarket, I saw that it was 4:19pm on my car's dashboard. As I was getting groceries, I remembered that I needed bread. I went back to the bread aisle, picked up a loaf, and then saw the price was $4.19. I was excited and grateful to my higher self that they sent this number twice in the matter of minutes. It never gets old.

Before continuing the story, below is what resonated with me when I researched angel number 419 that day. From Joanne of

"Angel Number 419 brings a message from your angels that you are to use your natural lightworking talents, skills and interests to help the world awaken and heal. Your positive love and light is much needed at this time and your angels encourage you to follow through with your goals and aspirations to do with your spiritual path and life purpose." [1]

Back to the story - As I was leaving the supermarket I realized I couldn’t find my car key. I’ve been driving since I was 18 and I have never once lost my key. When I walked up to my car, there it was, just sitting on the passenger seat. I took the moment to ask my higher self, “What are you looking for me to focus on in this moment?”. I can't say I received a direct answer as some might expect in that moment but I had the feeling that I needed to take action right away. Joy was sick all week so I needed to get home and make sure she was alright.

I decided to call my shift lead and ask her for a ride. Thankfully, and unsurprisingly because she's wonderful, she was able to give me a ride. We took the time to catch up about life during the car ride to my place. Once I was home, I checked the drawer where I kept my spare keys and found nothing. I had a faint notion that it wasn’t there and that when I moved to this apartment in August of 2020, I intentionally decided to hide it somewhere. Why? Because it felt like a great idea at the time and I can tell you, I hid that spare key very well.

As I was searching my apartment, I saw that Joy was sick to her stomach again while I was at the rescue. This was after two vet visits that week so my stress started to increase significantly. I also felt bad that I was holding up my friend. I was tearing through everything and getting uncharacteristically angry. It felt odd. I stopped, took a breath and I asked my higher self for help.

After I asked for help, I went back into my office and looked at a storage bin that I hadn't searched through. I open the top and there it was. Neatly placed as if it was waiting for me. I picked up the spare key, I headed downstairs and we’re back on the road. As we’re driving, I decided to open up to my friend about the spiritual experiences that I’ve been having. To which she replied with “Oh! I know all about that stuff. I have crystals, tarot cards, palm reading exercises, and books on the subjects.”

Well, shoot. I’ve known her for almost 5 years and didn't know this about her. Then a realization came over me. An aspect of Angel Number 19 is to open up, share and interact with others. For the first time ever, I asked for a ride. This may be small to most but I’m so used to being self sufficient that asking for a ride does feel a bit weird. In that moment, it didn’t because I was reminded of the support that I already had. [2]

Expressing to people that I was experiencing synchroncities and becoming aware of my spiritual self was not something I was comfortable sharing with others. In that moment I decided to just go for it and share. In parallel of my friend and I discussing my spiritual experiences, I thought to myself, “People tend to share their emotions more openly when they are in a vulnerable state.”. Back at my apartment I was so angry and I haven’t been like that in years. By the time I went back to my friend’s car to go pick up my car, my emotions were high, my guard was low and I took the plunge to share my experiences.

I said out loud:

“This entire day was supposed to play out exactly as it did so I could open myself up to my dear friend about what I’m experiencing.”

To which my friend responded beautifully:

“It was meant to be Matt. That’s how this stuff works.”

I was in awe and beyond grateful to have experienced this day.

Once I was back to my car, I needed to pick up one more item from the store and then head home. I purchased the item, got back to my car (with my key this time) and headed home. As I drove home, and later throughout the evening, I had a great deal of reminders of what took place on this particular Saturday. This included the number 19 in various material forms (i.e. license plates, movies, books, etc). It was like my higher self and guides were celebrating a spiritual win.

Have you experienced synchronicities which have guided you to wisdom and/healing that you needed in your life?

Thanks for reading and have a great present moment!



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