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Synchronicity at the Mind & Heart Levels

Writer: Matt M.Matt M.

Updated: Mar 8

Carl Gustav Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who created the methodology known as analytical psychology. Jung was proficient in many fields of study including anthropology, philosophy, literature, archaeology and religious studies. In the 1920's, he created the term 'Synchronicity' to describe curious events he observed between people and the nature of reality. [1] [2][3]

Alec Holmes from '' provides Jung's definition of synchronicity from the analytic psychological perspective as:

"as an “acausal connecting (togetherness) principle,” “meaningful coincidence”, “acausal parallelism” or “meaningful coincidence of two or more events where something other than the probability of chance is involved.”" [4]

The most popular example shared by the Psychology community regarding Jung's concept of synchronicity is related to one of his past clients. Specifically, the synchronicity described centers around a golden scarab beetle. Jung had a client that was academically educated, totally rational minded and had a serious temperament.

During one of their sessions, this client shared with Jung that she had a memorable dream regarding a high priced piece of jewelry in the form of a golden scarab. As she was describing her dream, Jung took note of a slight tapping at the window. When Jung went to the window, he was astonished to see there was a live goldish-green scarab beetle who was responsible for the tapping.

Additionally, this type of beetle wasn't native to the area of which he held his sessions. That made the synchronicity even more special. Jung quickly grabbed the beetle and provided it to his client. With physical evidence in his hands as his client was describing her dream, he could use this as an opportunity to create a bridge between the client's mind and heart. The connection he aimed to establish in that moment is critical when it comes to experiencing the full nature of synchronicity.

Understandably, many people of our present time will see moments of synchronicity as "coincidence". They'll take note of it, maybe even appreciate it in a small degree but they won't understand it at both the mind and heart levels. To help illustrate my point, I will provide two perspectives of Synchronicity. One at the mind level only and another integrating the mind and heart:

Mind | From Google Search - Oxford dictionary: "The simultaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection." [6]
Mind & Heart | From Dr. Sophia Martin & Dr. Ethan L. Rowan of "Synchronicity is the universe’s way of communicating with us, showing us that everything is interconnected and guided by an unseen force. It is when events align perfectly, seemingly by chance, resulting in a profound and meaningful experience. They serve as signposts along our life path, offering guidance and reassurance that we are on the right track." [7]

Can you identify the difference? The Mind related perspective outlines that there is "no discernible causal connection" within events of synchronicity. Whereas, the Mind & Heart perspective recognizes the event and then feels a causal connection within the heart that there is a purpose and/or reason behind the synchronicity.

Living on my own, completely away from my home state and stuck in my apartment during the lock-downs of 2020 was a massive spiritual catalyst for me. I dove into research to understand what I was experiencing. I started to see and feel how it was all interconnected. This provided me great excitement during a difficult time on our planet. I was led down a path of creativity that would later become my first podcast so that I could share my experiences with others.

Synchronicity is a powerful tool used by the Universe and our Spiritual Guides to communicate with us in this physical reality. I am grateful to say that as "time has moved forward" the synchronicities that I've experienced have only become more profound and led me to great people as well as the healing I needed.

After you've completed reading this blog post, I request that you open yourself up to the possibility of synchronicity. You can ask the religious/spiritual figure, deity or guide that you identify with and say, "Can you please provide me a moment of synchronicity?" then see what happens. Try not to set any expectations on what you could receive. Just be open to it happening.

In future blog posts, I will share past moments of synchronicity that left profound impressions on me. Moments that provided me validation and guidance regarding the path I'm on in life.

Thanks for reading and enjoy your synchronicities!



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